Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Father/Son sewing project.

Some time ago I made my wife some bulk bags.  We a big fans of shopping at our local co-op. And there is something satisfying about buying goods that you will later combine into a meal and feed your family, and buying the goods without the unnecessary packaging.  The last batch of bags that I made were unbleached muslin.  And it has been immensely satisfying to be in the checkout line buying our groceries nicely packed in bags I made myself, for meals that we will make ourselves later this week.

Ok, enough waxing poetic, the big bags that are particularly useful for oats and flour seem to be in short supply.  So I stopped into the nice folks down at Treadle Yard Goods and bought a yard of this cute fabric.  It was a bit more expensive than unbleached muslin, but I decided it was one of those relativistic scenarios and threw down the extra $6 for the designer fabric.  How lavish of me.  I really spare no expense for my lovely wife.

Oh, and it was a fun father/son activity to work with my 4 year old boy to setup the sewing machine and sew up a bag.  Start 'em young and all.

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